Rebekah's recipe for 41/2 dozen cookies call for 6 cups of sugar. How many cups of sugar are needed to make 8 dozen cookies?

4.5/6 = 8/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

4.5x = 48

x = 10 2/3 cup

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To find out how many cups of sugar are needed to make 8 dozen cookies, we can use a proportion.

First, let's establish the relationship between the number of dozens of cookies and the cups of sugar. In Rebekah's recipe, 4 1/2 dozen cookies require 6 cups of sugar.

So, we can set up the proportion:

(4 1/2 dozen cookies) / (6 cups of sugar) = (8 dozen cookies) / (x cups of sugar)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then solve for x:

(4 1/2) * x = 6 * 8

To simplify the left side, convert 4 1/2 to an improper fraction: 4 1/2 = (9/2).

Now we have:

(9/2) * x = 6 * 8

Multiply both sides of the equation:

9x/2 = 48

Next, to isolate x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 2/9:

x = (2/9) * 48

Finally, compute the value of x:

x = 96/9

Divide to simplify:

x ≈ 10.67

Therefore, you would need approximately 10.67 cups of sugar to make 8 dozen cookies according to Rebekah's recipe.