I've read over it, but I still don't understand how to add together bulbs from the Mandelbrot sets. Please help? I need to know how to add the 1/4 bulb to the 1/6 bulb and the 1/8 bulb to the 1/6 bulb.

Thank you!

1/4 + 1/6 = 3/12 + 2/12 = 5/12.

Note: 4*6 = 24. Therefore,24 can be used
as a common denominator; but it is not
the LEAST. So I used 1/2 of 24 or 12.

If I use 24, my answer would be 10/24 =

Try the other one.

To add together bulbs from the Mandelbrot set, you need to understand the concept of complex numbers and how they relate to the Mandelbrot set. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how you can add the bulbs together:

1. Understand complex numbers: A complex number is a number that has both a real part and an imaginary part. It is typically represented in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part. In the context of the Mandelbrot set, you will be working with complex numbers.

2. Identify the parameters of the bulbs: Each bulb in the Mandelbrot set is defined by its center and its size. The centers are usually represented by complex numbers, and the sizes are usually represented by real numbers which are called "radii".

3. Add the centers of the bulbs: To add two bulbs together, you need to add their centers. Simply perform regular complex number addition by adding the real parts and the imaginary parts separately. For example, to add the 1/4 bulb center (-1.25 + 0i) to the 1/6 bulb center (-0.25 + 0i), you would add the real parts -1.25 and -0.25 separately, and the imaginary parts 0 and 0 separately.

-1.25 + (-0.25) = -1.50 (real part)
0 + 0 = 0 (imaginary part)

So, the sum of the centers would be -1.50 + 0i.

4. Combine the sizes (radii): In order to combine the sizes of the bulbs, you need to determine the maximum radius among the two bulbs. The maximum radius would be the larger of the two radii. For example, if the 1/4 bulb has a radius of 0.5 and the 1/6 bulb has a radius of 0.3, you would choose the maximum radius of 0.5.

5. Calculate the new bulb: Once you have the sum of the centers and the maximum radius, you can represent the new bulb as a center with its corresponding radius. For example, using the sum of the centers from step 3 (-1.50 + 0i) and the maximum radius of 0.5, you can represent the new bulb as (-1.50 + 0i, 0.5).

Repeat the same process for adding the 1/8 bulb to the 1/6 bulb to get the sum of their centers and the maximum radius.

Keep in mind that this explanation assumes the bulbs are centered at the origin (0 + 0i). If the bulbs are centered elsewhere, you would need to adjust the calculations accordingly.

By following these steps, you should be able to add together the bulbs from the Mandelbrot set.