How do you convert "ml" to grams.

1. 135.0ml to grams

One, ml, is a measure of volume.

However grams is a measure of mass.

There is no conversion any more than between meters and grams.

If you assume some density, such as that of water, then you can do it.

For example if water has a density of 10^3 kg/m^3

and a liter is .001 or 10^-3 m^3
then a ml is 10^-6 m^3

(10^-6 m^3/ml)(10^3kg/m^3))(10^3 g/kg)

= 1 g/ml

by the way a ml is a cubic centimeter, cc

Wait! I'm a bit confused. Let me try and do the problem and you check it for me please?


This is the question:
If 130.943 g of a liquid occupy a space of 135.0 ml, what is the density of the liquid in g/cm3?

And this is my answer: 0.9699481g/ml
481 is repeating

Now you are correct.

Except they wanted the answer in g/cm^3.
Even though 1ml = 1cm^3, answer the question as asked.

To convert milliliters (ml) to grams (g), you need to know the density of the substance you are dealing with. Density is defined as the mass per unit volume of a substance. Every substance has a different density value, so the conversion will vary depending on what you are measuring.

For example, if you know the density of the substance is 1 g/ml, then to convert ml to grams, you can simply multiply the volume in milliliters by the density. Let's do the calculation using the given value of 135.0 ml:

135.0 ml x 1 g/ml = 135.0 grams

So, if the density of the substance you are working with is 1 g/ml, then 135.0 ml is equal to 135.0 grams. Remember, be sure to have the correct density value for the specific substance you are converting, as different substances will have different density values.