outline the development of a high-level computer network design for the Bead Bar include the network topology that you think should be used, the network architecture, and the advantages and drawbacks that the recommended network would provide to the organization

To develop a high-level computer network design for the Bead Bar, we need to consider the network topology, network architecture, and the advantages and drawbacks it would bring to the organization. Let's look at each aspect individually:

Network Topology: The network topology refers to the physical or logical layout of the network. Given the requirements of the Bead Bar, a recommended topology would be a hierarchical or tree topology. In this topology, multiple computers are connected to a central switch or server, and those switches or servers are further connected to a central main server. This topology provides a central point of control, scalability, and allows for efficient management of the network.

Network Architecture: The network architecture determines how the network will be structured, including the hardware and software components involved. For the Bead Bar, a client-server architecture would be suitable. In this architecture, there would be a central server that manages and stores the company's data, while individual computers (clients) connect to the server to access and manipulate the data. This architecture provides centralized control, enhanced security, and easier scalability.

1. Centralized control: The hierarchical topology and client-server architecture allow for centralized control of the network. This means that system administrators can easily manage and maintain the network, ensuring smooth operations and security.
2. Scalability: The chosen network design provides scalability, allowing the Bead Bar to easily add new computers or expand the network as the organization grows.
3. Improved data management: With the client-server architecture, data is stored and managed on a central server. This enhances data security, backup, and access control, ensuring that vital information is protected and accessible when needed.
4. Collaboration and sharing: By implementing a centralized network, employees can easily communicate, collaborate, and share resources, such as files and printers. This improves workflow efficiency and productivity within the organization.

1. Single point of failure: The hierarchical topology relies heavily on the central server. If the server fails, it can cause a network outage and disrupt operations. Therefore, it is crucial to implement backup solutions and redundancy measures to minimize such risks.
2. Initial setup and maintenance: Setting up and maintaining the network infrastructure requires skilled professionals and ongoing effort. This may result in higher costs and the need for IT support.
3. Network congestion: In the hierarchical topology, heavy network traffic can bottleneck at the central server. It is essential to properly plan the network capacity and implement measures, such as load balancing, to prevent congestion.

It is important to note that the specific requirements and resources of the Bead Bar may warrant different considerations. Consulting with network professionals and conducting a thorough analysis would be necessary to develop an optimal network design for the organization.

Step 1: Assess the Needs and Requirements

- Understand the specific needs and requirements of the Bead Bar organization.
- Identify the number of locations, users, and devices that need to be connected.
- Determine the types of applications and services that will be used on the network.
- Consider any security, scalability, reliability, and performance requirements.

Step 2: Design the Network Topology
- Based on the requirements, a suitable network topology for the Bead Bar can be a Star topology.
- In a Star topology, all devices are connected directly to a central network device, often a switch or router.
- This layout simplifies management and troubleshooting, provides centralized control, and allows easy addition or removal of devices.
- Each Bead Bar location will have its own local area network (LAN), connected to the central network device.

Step 3: Select the Network Architecture
- For the network architecture, a client-server architecture is recommended.
- In this setup, server resources (such as file storage, databases, and applications) are centralized and shared among clients (user devices).
- The server will store Bead Bar's data, manage user authorization, and ensure data security.
- This architecture helps in data backup, centralized management, and providing consistent access to applications and services.

Step 4: Advantages of the Recommended Network:
- Centralized control and management of network resources.
- Ease of adding or removing devices without disrupting the entire network.
- Improved network performance as traffic is localized within individual LANs.
- Enhanced data security through centralized authentication and authorization systems.
- Simplified troubleshooting and maintenance processes.
- Allows for easy implementation of shared resources and services.

Step 5: Drawbacks of the Recommended Network:
- Dependency on the central network device; if it fails, the entire network could be affected.
- Requires additional configuration and setup for secure and efficient communication between locations.
- Potential bottlenecks if the network capacity is not scaled properly to accommodate increased traffic.

Remember, the specific details may vary based on unique requirements and constraints of the Bead Bar organization. It is always recommended to consult with network specialists or IT professionals for a detailed and customized network design.