What is the english translation for?

1) esta' soleado
2)Hace frio
3)esta' nevando
4)esta lloviendo
5)esta' nublado
6)hace calor

These are all weather related...

These sites will help you with the translation.

To translate the given phrases into English:

1) "Está soleado" translates to "It's sunny."
To get this translation, you can use an online translator, such as Google Translate, and enter the phrase "está soleado" in the Spanish-to-English translation box.

2) "Hace frío" translates to "It's cold."
To translate this phrase, you can again use an online translator and enter the phrase "hace frío" to get the English translation.

3) "Está nevando" translates to "It's snowing."
To get the translation, you can use the same method as before and input the phrase "está nevando" into a Spanish-to-English translator.

4) "Está lloviendo" translates to "It's raining."
Once again, you can use an online translator and enter "está lloviendo" to obtain the English translation.

5) "Está nublado" translates to "It's cloudy."
To translate this phrase, you can follow the same process as described earlier.

6) "Hace calor" translates to "It's hot."
You can get this translation by utilizing an online translator and entering the phrase "hace calor" in the translation box.