Who made the first light bulb?

Made in 1800 by Humphry Davy

The first practical incandescent light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. To find the answer to this question, you can use various methods:

1. Online search engine: You can use search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo, and enter the question "Who made the first light bulb?" These search engines will provide you with a list of credible sources such as websites, articles, or books where you can find accurate information about the invention of the light bulb.

2. Online encyclopedias: Websites like Wikipedia provide detailed information about various topics, including the invention of the light bulb. Searching for "light bulb" or "invention of the light bulb" on online encyclopedias will offer you comprehensive articles with references and historical accounts about the creation of the light bulb.

3. Books and libraries: If you prefer a more in-depth analysis, books and libraries are excellent sources of information. Visiting your local library and searching for books on the history of inventions, biographies of inventors, or science and technology will help you find reliable and authoritative information about the creation of the first light bulb.

Remember to critically evaluate your sources and cross-reference information from multiple reputable sources to ensure accuracy.