Translate these please:

una zanahoria
una manzana
una uva
una fresa

una zanahoria
una manzana
unas uvas
una fresa

una manzana
la lechuga
una papa
una cebolla

el refresco
el jugo
la leche
el té

Thank You.

Someone may check YOUR translations.

una zanahoria - One carrot

una manzana - One apple
una uva - One grape
una fresa- One strawberry

la lechuga - The lettuce
una papa - One potato
una cebolla - One onion

el refresco - the refreshment
el jugo - the juice
la leche - the milk
el té - the tea

To translate the given words into English, you can use online translation tools or language apps. Here's how you can do it:

1. Copy the word you want to translate: "una zanahoria."
2. Open a web browser and go to an online translation tool or language app like Google Translate or Duolingo.
3. Paste the word into the input box on the translation tool.
4. Select the desired target language, which in this case would be English.
5. Click on the "Translate" button to get the English translation of the word.

Repeat this process for each word you want to translate. Here are the translations of the words you provided:

una zanahoria - a carrot
una manzana - an apple
una uva - a grape
una fresa - a strawberry
la lechuga - lettuce
una papa - a potato
una cebolla - an onion
el refresco - soda/pop
el jugo - juice
la leche - milk
el té - tea

By following these steps, you can easily translate words or phrases between different languages.