Which graph matches the function:

y= square root 2x + 6

How would this look on a graph?

Thank You.

what da answer

my.hrw . com /math06_07/nsmedia/tools/Graph_Calculator/graphCalc.html is a good website

for graphing I mean. By the way, did you mean y = sqrt (2x+6) or y = sqrt (2x) + 6?

it shows y= and then the square root goes over all of 2x+6

Oh, right. You didn't give us a graph, but if you go to the website, or type in graphing calculator in google and click on the one which shows the url listed above, just type in the equation, and you should get the graph. Good luck! (By the way, the graph looks like a square root function - gradually goes slower and slower until infinity.)


I went to the website....maybe I am doing something wrong but it won't bring up the graph - I put in the equation on y1

got it - thanks

To graph the function y = √(2x + 6), you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a set of x-values: Select a range of x-values that will give you a good representation of the function. For example, you might choose x-values from -3 to 3.

2. Calculate the corresponding y-values: Plug each x-value into the equation and calculate the corresponding y-value. For example, if x = -3, substitute it into the equation to find the corresponding y-value: y = √(2(-3) + 6).

3. Plot the points: Once you have calculated several (x, y) pairs, plot them on a graph. For example, if (-3, 0) is one of the points you found, mark it on the graph.

4. Connect the points: To draw the graph, connect the plotted points smoothly to show the overall shape of the function.

Since it is difficult to provide a visual graph directly through text, I would suggest using a graphing calculator or graphing software to input the function and generate the graph.