A school uniform consists of a shirt and a pair of shorts. A shirt costs $22. A pair of shorts costs $15.

Write an expression to find the cost of supplying n students with uniforms.

Evaluate the expression for 8 students.

To find the cost of supplying n students with uniforms, we need to multiply the cost of one shirt by the number of students and add it to the cost of one pair of shorts multiplied by the number of students.

Since a shirt costs $22 and a pair of shorts costs $15, the expression to find the cost of supplying n students with uniforms is:

22n + 15n

Now, to evaluate the expression for 8 students, we substitute n with 8:

22(8) + 15(8) = 176 + 120 = $296

Therefore, the cost of supplying 8 students with uniforms is $296.

(22 + 15)n =

(22 + 15)* 8 = ?