In 2000, the average family net worth was $360,000 and there were about 7.7x10^7 families. Calculate the total family net worth in 2000.

Total=$3.6*10^5 * 7.7*10^7=$2.772*10^13

A family refers to a group of two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption who reside together. In 2000, in Country A, the average family net worth was 430,000 and there were about 9.2 x 10 to the seventh power families. Calculate the total family net worth in Country A in 2000. Country A's total net worth is ___ dollars?

(Use scientific notation. Use the multiplication symbol in the math palette as needed. Round to the nearest tenth as needed.)

To calculate the total family net worth in 2000, we need to multiply the average family net worth by the number of families.

Step 1: Calculate the average family net worth
The given average family net worth in 2000 is $360,000.

Step 2: Calculate the number of families
The given number of families in 2000 is 7.7 x 10^7.
To represent this in standard form, we can multiply 7.7 by 10^7. This gives us 7.7 * 10,000,000 = 77,000,000.

Step 3: Multiply the average family net worth by the number of families
Now, we multiply the average family net worth by the number of families:
360,000 * 77,000,000 = 27,720,000,000,000.

Therefore, the total family net worth in 2000 is $27,720,000,000,000.