What is penelope hesitation towards odysseus?

It had been 20 years since she'd seen him. How can she be sure he's really who he says he is?

what is penelope hesitation toward odysseus?

To understand Penelope's hesitation towards Odysseus, we need to delve into the Greek epic "The Odyssey" where this hesitation is described. In "The Odyssey," Penelope is the wife of the main character, Odysseus, who has been away from home for 20 years due to the Trojan War and his subsequent journey back.

Penelope's hesitation stems from the fact that Odysseus has been absent for such a long time and has appeared to be lost. During his absence, many suitors have gathered at Odysseus' palace in Ithaca, hoping to marry Penelope and take over Odysseus' kingdom. Penelope remains faithful to her husband and resists the advances of the suitors, but she is unsure if Odysseus will ever return.

In order to further test the suitors' intentions, Penelope comes up with a plan involving a task that only Odysseus could accomplish. She declares that she will choose a suitor and marry him once she finishes weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus' father. However, each night she secretly unravels the day's progress, prolonging the completion of the shroud.

Penelope's hesitation towards Odysseus is rooted in her skepticism and uncertainty about his fate. She has endured years of loneliness, fending off unwanted suitors, and waiting for her husband's return. This prolonged absence and the presence of other men vying for her hand causes her to doubt Odysseus' return and makes her cautious about fully trusting him when he finally reappears.

In summary, Penelope's hesitation towards Odysseus is a result of his long absence, the presence of suitors, and her uncertainty about whether he will ever return.