Which of the following will help you produce clear and focused writing?

A. Brainstorming before writing.

B. A rubric that provides criteria.

C. A solid thesis statement.

D. The style of your paper.

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To determine which option will help produce clear and focused writing, it is important to understand the role of each choice:

A. Brainstorming before writing: Brainstorming involves generating ideas and organizing thoughts before starting the writing process. It helps to clarify your main points and enables you to have a clear direction for your writing.

B. A rubric that provides criteria: A rubric is a tool used to assess the quality of writing based on predetermined criteria. While it does not directly aid in producing clear and focused writing, it can provide a structure and help you stay on track with your writing goals.

C. A solid thesis statement: A thesis statement is a concise and focused argument or claim that guides the content and structure of your writing. Having a well-defined thesis statement can give your writing clarity, as it serves as a roadmap for your main points and arguments.

D. The style of your paper: The writing style refers to how the content is presented, including word choice, sentence structure, and tone. While a polished writing style can enhance the clarity and cohesiveness of your writing, it is not as essential as the other options mentioned.

Based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that options A (brainstorming before writing), C (a solid thesis statement), and potentially B (a rubric) will all contribute to producing clear and focused writing. Option D (the style of your paper) may have some impact but is not as crucial as the other options. Therefore, options A, B, and C are the most likely answers.