Someone tossed a coin 80 times.The coin landed on heads 60 times. Is the experimental probability greater than or less than theoretical probability?


To determine if the experimental probability is greater than or less than the theoretical probability, we need to compare the number of times the event occurred in the experiment (heads in this case) with the expected or theoretical number of times it should occur.

In this case, the experimental probability of getting heads is 60 times out of 80 tosses, or 60/80 = 0.75.

The theoretical probability of getting heads on a fair coin toss is 1/2, because there are two equally likely outcomes (heads or tails).

Comparing the experimental probability (0.75) with the theoretical probability (1/2), we can see that the experimental probability is greater than the theoretical probability.

Therefore, the experimental probability of getting heads (60/80) is greater than the theoretical probability (1/2) in this case.

To determine whether the experimental probability is greater than or less than the theoretical probability, we need to understand what each of these terms represents.

1. Experimental probability: This is the probability determined through actual experimentation or observation. It is calculated by dividing the number of successful outcomes (in this case, the number of times the coin landed on heads) by the total number of trials (the total number of times the coin was tossed).

2. Theoretical probability: This is the probability calculated based on probability theory and assumes all outcomes are equally likely. For a fair coin, the probability of landing heads or tails is 0.5 (or 50%).

Given that the coin landed on heads 60 times out of 80 tosses, we can calculate the experimental probability as follows:

Experimental probability = number of successful outcomes / total number of trials
= 60 / 80
= 0.75 (or 75%)

The theoretical probability, on the other hand, is fixed for a fair coin and is always 0.5 (or 50%).

Now let's compare the experimental and theoretical probabilities:

Experimental probability (0.75) is greater than theoretical probability (0.5).

Therefore, in this case, the experimental probability is greater than the theoretical probability.

greater because theoretical would be 40 of 80 since there are 2 choice (heads or tails)