Write the following value in scientific notation.


7.4x10^3? help?


To write the value 7,400,000 in scientific notation, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the non-zero digits. In this case, the non-zero digits are 7, 4, and 1.

Step 2: Identify the decimal point's position. Count the number of places the decimal point needs to move to place it right after the first non-zero digit. Here, the decimal point needs to move 6 places to the left to be after the 7.

Step 3: Rewrite the number with the decimal point after the first non-zero digit. In this case, it becomes 7.4 (the non-zero digits) with the decimal point placed after the 7: 7.4.

Step 4: Write the multiplication by 10. Remember, scientific notation involves multiplying the number by 10 raised to a power. For every place the decimal point moved to the left, the exponent is a positive number. In this case, it moved 6 places, so the exponent is 6. Thus, the scientific notation for 7,400,000 is 7.4 x 10^6.