what is 4.5mi/h = ft/sec

mile = 5280 feet

hour = 360 seconds

4.5(5280)/360 = ?

To convert miles per hour (mi/h) to feet per second (ft/sec), you need to use the conversion factors for each unit.

First, let's convert miles to feet. We know that 1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet.

So, to convert 4.5 miles to feet, we can multiply 4.5 by 5,280:

4.5 miles * 5,280 feet/mile = 23,760 feet

Now that we have the distance in feet, we can convert hours to seconds. There are 3,600 seconds in an hour (60 seconds * 60 minutes).

To calculate the speed in feet per second, we divide the distance in feet by the time in seconds:

23,760 feet / (1 hour * 3,600 seconds/hour) = 6.6 ft/sec

Therefore, 4.5 mi/h is equal to approximately 6.6 ft/sec.