A blue bike is $14 less than a red bike. The sum of their prices is $300. How much is the red bike?

i thought it was 123 but i think its wrong.plz help



b + b + 14 = 300

2b = 286

b = 143 >> blue bike

157 >> red bike

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to represent the prices of the red and blue bikes. Let's say the price of the red bike is 'x' dollars. Since the blue bike is $14 less than the red bike, the price of the blue bike would be 'x - 14' dollars.

According to the problem, the sum of their prices is $300:

x + (x - 14) = 300

To solve this equation, we combine like terms:

2x - 14 = 300

Next, we isolate the variable by adding 14 to both sides of the equation:

2x = 300 + 14

2x = 314

Finally, we divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for 'x':

x = 314 / 2

x = 157

Therefore, the price of the red bike is $157.