Sofia has a plate that has 4 equal sides, 2 pairs of parallel sides, and no right angle. Which quadrilateral is it?

sounds like a rhombus


To determine the quadrilateral that matches the given properties, we need to consider the characteristics mentioned: 4 equal sides, 2 pairs of parallel sides, and no right angle.

A quadrilateral that satisfies these conditions is a rhombus. Here's why:

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four equal sides. This means that all four sides of the plate have the same length.

A rhombus also has two pairs of parallel sides. Since all sides of the plate are equal, the opposite sides of the plate must be parallel to each other. Therefore, the plate has two pairs of parallel sides.

Lastly, a rhombus does not have any right angles. A right angle is a 90-degree angle, and a rhombus has no angles that measure 90 degrees.

So, based on the given properties, the plate described by Sofia is a rhombus.