What was the Compromise of 1850?

A.the simultaneous admission of Maine and Missouri as states in order to preserve the balance between slave and free states in the Union
B.the agreement that allowed California to enter the union as a free state
C.the bill that gave freed slaves in Missouri and all states the right to vote
D.the multi-part plan originally developed by Henry Clay to settle numerous conflicts over slavery
I think it is D...?

I agree.

Thank you Ms. Sue

Yes, you are correct. The Compromise of 1850 is option D, which refers to a multi-part plan developed by Henry Clay to address various conflicts related to slavery. To understand this answer, let's break it down further.

The Compromise of 1850 was indeed a series of legislative measures proposed by Henry Clay, a United States Senator at the time. This compromise was introduced to resolve the ongoing tensions and conflicts between the North and South concerning the expansion of slavery into new territories.

The key elements of the Compromise of 1850 included:
1. The admission of California as a free state: This was an agreement that allowed California to enter the Union without slavery, which upset the balance between free and slave states.
2. The organization of the Utah and New Mexico territories: These territories would be given the right to determine whether they would allow slavery or not based on popular sovereignty (allowing the residents to decide).
3. The abolition of the slave trade (but not slavery) in the District of Columbia: Slave trade was abolished in the nation's capital, but slavery itself was still permitted.
4. The passage of the Fugitive Slave Act: This law mandated the return of escaped slaves to their owners, even in free states, which was controversial and strongly opposed by abolitionists.

These measures were aimed at preserving the fragile balance between the North and South while trying to prevent a full-scale confrontation over slavery. However, the Compromise of 1850 was only temporarily successful in easing tensions, and the debate over slavery continued to intensify, ultimately leading to the American Civil War.

To summarize, the correct answer is D: the Compromise of 1850 was a multi-part plan developed by Henry Clay to settle several conflicts over slavery between the North and South.