Frank has 3 nickels, 5 dimes, and 2 quarters. What is the range, mean, median, and mode of the values of Frank's coins?

OK I hope its right

I need the answer!

In other words, he has 3 5's, 5 10's and 2 25's.

Range = 25 - 5 =?

Mode and median = 10

Mean = ∑x/n = (15+50+50)/10 = ?

To determine the range, mean, median, and mode of Frank's coins, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Find the range.
The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in a dataset.
In this case, the lowest value is 3 (nickels) and the highest value is 2 (quarters).
Therefore, the range is 2 - 3 = -1.

Step 2: Find the mean.
The mean is the average value of a dataset.
To find the mean, we need to calculate the total value of all the coins and then divide it by the total number of coins.
The total value of the nickels is 3 * $0.05 = $0.15.
The total value of the dimes is 5 * $0.10 = $0.50.
The total value of the quarters is 2 * $0.25 = $0.50.
The total value of all the coins is $0.15 + $0.50 + $0.50 = $1.15.
There are a total of 3 + 5 + 2 = 10 coins.
Now, we can calculate the mean:
Mean = Total value / Total number of coins = $1.15 / 10 = $0.115.

Step 3: Find the median.
The median is the middle value of a dataset when it is arranged in ascending or descending order.
First, let's list all the values in ascending order:
3 nickels, 5 dimes, and 2 quarters.
Now, we can see that the middle value is the sixth coin, which is a dime.
Therefore, the median is a dime.

Step 4: Find the mode.
The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a dataset.
In this case, there is no value that appears more than once.
Therefore, there is no mode.

So, the range is -1, the mean is $0.115, the median is a dime, and there is no mode in Frank's coin collection.
