log_3 (3)^(2x)

solve for x is what I would assume it asks. But it simply states "Find the value of the following".

I will read that as

log2 3^(2x)

= 2x(log2 3)
= 2x(1) = 2x

oops, make that base 3 instead of 2

should have included that log3 3 = 1

To evaluate the expression log_3 (3)^(2x), we can use the logarithmic property that states log_a (a^b) = b.

In this case, the base of the logarithm is 3, and the argument of the logarithm is 3^(2x). According to the logarithmic property, since the base (3) and the argument (3^(2x)) are the same, the logarithm will evaluate to the exponent (2x).

So, log_3 (3)^(2x) = 2x.

Therefore, the expression simplifies to 2x.