For the past 4 weeks, you have saved $5 per week. You know have $65 in your savings account. Write an equation that represents your balance A after t weeks.

To write an equation that represents your balance A after t weeks, we can use the information given.

We know that for the past 4 weeks, you saved $5 per week. This means that for every week, you saved an additional $5.

In t weeks, you would have saved a total of $5 multiplied by the number of weeks, t. Therefore, the amount saved after t weeks can be represented by the equation:

A = 5t

A represents the balance in the savings account after t weeks, and
t represents the number of weeks.

In this case, since you currently have $65 in your savings account, you can substitute A with 65:

65 = 5t

This equation can help you determine how many weeks it took for you to accumulate $65. You can rearrange the equation to solve for t:

t = 65/5
t = 13

Therefore, it took you 13 weeks to save $65, considering you saved $5 per week for the past 4 weeks.