in the digestive tract, mouth is to bolus as

a. stomach is to chyme
b. gallbladder is to insulin
c. small intestine is t carbohydrates
d. esophagus is to peristalsis

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To determine the correct answer, let's first understand the terms mentioned:

1. Bolus: A bolus refers to a small rounded mass of chewed food that is ready to be swallowed.

Now, let's examine the options:

a. Stomach is to chyme: Chyme is the semi-fluid mixture of partially digested food and digestive juices that is formed in the stomach. This option seems related to the process of digestion.

b. Gallbladder is to insulin: Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels, whereas the gallbladder is involved in storing bile produced by the liver. These two terms are unrelated and do not have a direct correlation.

c. Small intestine is to carbohydrates: The small intestine is the primary site for the digestion and absorption of nutrients, including carbohydrates. This option seems reasonable since the small intestine plays a role in carbohydrate digestion.

d. Esophagus is to peristalsis: Peristalsis is the muscular contraction and relaxation that propels food through the digestive tract. The esophagus is the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach and is responsible for transferring the swallowed food by using peristalsis. This option is consistent with the functions of the esophagus.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer would be:
d. Esophagus is to peristalsis, as the mouth is to bolus.