What fact does the author use to support her opinion about bleach? (1 point)

1. Bleach is a poison.
2. Bleach is an expensive part of processing water.
3. Bleach isn’t terrific to have around.
Note: This is not a question about what she actually said, she said all three of these. But which one is a fact?
I think it is 1 or 2.

Both 2 and 3 make value judgments.

That's what I thought too, but what if you only had to select one? Which one is more of a fact?

A value judgment is not a fact.

I say it c because some people thinks it great to be around right mrs.sue

I took the quiz and it the answer is "Bleach is a poison"

It's #1 i just took the quiz.

To determine which statement is a fact, we need to review each option and assess whether it can be objectively proven.

Statement 1: "Bleach is a poison." This statement is a fact and can be proven through scientific evidence. Bleach contains chemicals that can cause harm when ingested or inhaled, making it toxic for humans and other organisms.

Statement 2: "Bleach is an expensive part of processing water." This statement is more subjective because the cost of using bleach to process water can vary depending on various factors such as location, quantity, and specific water treatment processes. While it may be true in some cases, it does not hold up as a universally applicable fact.

Statement 3: "Bleach isn’t terrific to have around." This statement is more of an opinion rather than a factual claim. The use of the term "terrific" suggests a subjective judgment rather than stating something that can be objectively measured.

Based on this analysis, statement 1 - "Bleach is a poison" - is the fact that the author uses to support her opinion about bleach.