MS Wilkens went to the gas station to fill her car. Her gas tank is 20% full.

The cost of gas is $4.29 per gallon. How much will itcost to fill the tank? Use the conversion 1 gallon=231 in cubed.
They showed a pic. of a tank with length=1.75ft
width=1.25 ft
height=11 in
I did v=bh
v=lwh v=1.75(1.25)11 v=24.0625 ft cubed

12 in=1ft
24.0625(12)=288.75 in cubed
288.75 in cubed/213 in cubed= 1.25 gallons
now I am cunfused

80% of 1.25= gallons left to fill tank
.80(125)= 1 gallon left to fill tank
1 gallon =$4.29 It will cost$4.29 to fill the tank
PLEASE HELP, did I do this correctly.

you cannot convert ft^3 to in^3 by multiplying by 12.

1 ft = 12 in, so
1 ft^3 = (12 in)^3 = 1728 in^3
24.0625 * 1728 = 415890 in^3 = 180 gal

That's some tank!

Ahh! You also did the volume wrong. You need to measure everything in either feet or inches, and you mixed them together.

Let's start over. The volume of the tank in in^3 is

21*15*11 = 3465 in^3 = 15 gals.

Now you should be able to make things come out right.

Ok I corrected my mistake and got that it would cost $51.48, because it was 15 gallons she needed to get.

Is this correct now? Thank you

Looks good to me.

Let's break down the problem step by step to verify if you did it correctly:

1. First, you correctly calculated the volume of the gas tank using the formula V = lwh, where l = 1.75 ft, w = 1.25 ft, and h = 11 in. However, to maintain consistency, you need to convert all measurements to the same unit. You correctly converted the height from inches to feet as 11 in = 11/12 ft. So, the correct calculation would be V = 1.75 ft * 1.25 ft * (11/12) ft.

2. You then converted the volume from cubic feet to cubic inches by multiplying it by 12^3 since there are 12 inches in a foot. So, the correct calculation would be V = 1.75 ft * 1.25 ft * (11/12 ft) * (12 in/ft)^3 = 288.75 in^3.

3. However, to find the volume in gallons, you need to use the given conversion factor: 1 gallon = 231 in^3. Divide the volume in cubic inches by 231 to get the volume in gallons. So, the correct calculation would be 288.75 in^3 / 231 in^3/gallon = 1.25 gallons.

4. Since the gas tank is currently 20% full, you correctly calculated that you need to fill the tank with 80% of its volume. Multiply 1.25 gallons by 0.80 to get the remaining gallons to fill the tank. So, the correct calculation would be 1.25 gallons * 0.80 = 1 gallon.

5. Finally, you correctly stated that the cost of 1 gallon of gas is $4.29. Since you need 1 gallon to fill the tank, the cost to fill the tank would be $4.29.

So, based on your calculations, it appears that you did it correctly. The cost to fill the gas tank is indeed $4.29.