The students felt fairly prepared for whatever tests their instructors might give them, after years of studying , however difficult the test might be

which group of words is misplaced in the sentence above?

a. however difficult they might be
b. the students felt fairly prepared
c. after years of intense studying
d. whatever tests their instructors might give them

We'll be happy to check what YOU THINK.

c. after years of intense studying


the students felt fairly prepared

In order to identify the misplaced group of words in the sentence, we need to analyze each group and consider its placement within the sentence.

a. "however difficult they might be" - This group of words is used to modify the noun "tests." It provides additional information about the level of difficulty expected in the tests. Since it directly relates to the test, it seems to be appropriately placed in the sentence.

b. "the students felt fairly prepared" - This group of words is the main subject and verb phrase of the sentence. It states the feelings of the students. It introduces the main idea of the sentence and is accurately positioned at the beginning of the sentence.

c. "after years of intense studying" - This group of words serves as a temporal phrase that informs us of the timeframe in which the students felt prepared for the tests. It provides important context and is correctly placed after the main subject and verb phrase.

d. "whatever tests their instructors might give them" - This group of words functions as a noun phrase, representing the tests that the instructors could potentially give the students. It is essential in conveying the idea that the students felt prepared for any test. Placing it at the end of the sentence helps maintain clarity in the sentence structure.

After analyzing all the groups, it appears that there is no misplaced group of words in the given sentence. Therefore, the correct answer is none of the above, as all the groups are correctly positioned.