
Combine the like terms

(6a^4b - 6a^4b) + (ab^3 + 3ab^3)
= 0a^4b + 4ab^3
= 4ab^3

To simplify the expression (6a^4b + ab^3) + (3ab^3 - 6a^4b), we combine like terms. Like terms have the same variables raised to the same powers.

(6a^4b + ab^3) + (3ab^3 - 6a^4b)
= 6a^4b - 6a^4b + ab^3 + 3ab^3 (Rearranging the terms)
= (6a^4b - 6a^4b) + (ab^3 + 3ab^3) (Grouping like terms)
= 0 + 4ab^3 (Simplifying the terms with the same variables)
= 4ab^3 (Simplifying further)

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression (6a^4b + ab^3) + (3ab^3 - 6a^4b) is 4ab^3.