I need help picking the rightsentence form? Thanks

¿Quién te sacó estas fotos?
A. Julio me los sacó.
B.Julio te las sacó.
C.Julio me las sacó.

¿Quién les mandó estas flores a Uds.?
A.Ceci nos los mandó.
B.Ceci nos las mandó.
C.Ceci se las mandó.

¿A quién le vas a regalar esa camisa?
A.Te la voy a regalar a ti.
B.Se lo voy a regalar a Uds.
C.Me las vas a regalar a mí.

¿A quién le sirves ese vino?
A.Se los sirvo a Uds.
B.Se lo sirvo a Uds.
C.Mario nos lo sirve.

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To pick the right sentence form, you need to understand the rules and usage of direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish.

In Spanish, direct object pronouns are used to replace the direct object of a sentence, while indirect object pronouns replace the indirect object. The direct object is the noun that directly receives the action of the verb, while the indirect object is the noun to or for whom the action is done.

Let's break down each of the questions and their options to determine the correct sentence form:

1. ¿Quién te sacó estas fotos?

The verb in this sentence is "sacar" (to take). The direct object is "estas fotos" (these photos) and the indirect object is "te" (you). Based on these elements, the correct sentence form is:

B. Julio te las sacó.

Explanation: The direct object pronoun "las" is used to replace "estas fotos" and the indirect object pronoun "te" is used to replace "a ti" (to you).

2. ¿Quién les mandó estas flores a Uds.?

In this question, the verb is "mandar" (to send). The direct object is "estas flores" (these flowers) and the indirect object is "les" (to you all). The correct sentence form is:

B. Ceci nos las mandó.

Explanation: The direct object pronoun "las" replaces "estas flores" and the indirect object pronoun "nos" replaces "a nosotros" (to us).

3. ¿A quién le vas a regalar esa camisa?

The verb here is "regalar" (to give as a gift). The direct object is "esa camisa" (that shirt) and the indirect object is "a quién le" (to whom). The correct sentence form is:

A. Te la voy a regalar a ti.

Explanation: The direct object pronoun "la" replaces "esa camisa" and the indirect object pronoun "te" replaces "a ti" (to you).

4. ¿A quién le sirves ese vino?

The verb in this sentence is "servir" (to serve). The direct object is "ese vino" (that wine) and the indirect object is "a quién le" (to whom). The correct sentence form is:

B. Se lo sirvo a Uds.

Explanation: The direct object pronoun "lo" replaces "ese vino" and the indirect object pronoun "se" replaces "a Uds." (to you all).

By understanding the rules and usage of direct and indirect object pronouns, you can correctly choose the right sentence form for each question.