Harry spent one third of his money on a hat, 1/6 of his money on socks, and $12.00 on a tie. How much did Harry spend?

Let x = total amount spent.

1/3x + 1/6x + 12 = x

2/6x + 1/6x + 12 = x

1/2x + 12 = x

12 = 1/2x

12 / 0.5 = x

24 = x

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To find out how much Harry spent, we need to know the total amount of money he had. From the information given, we know that Harry spent one third of his money on a hat, 1/6 of his money on socks, and $12.00 on a tie.

Let's assume the total amount of money Harry had is represented by 'x' dollars.

We know that Harry spent one third of his money on a hat, so he spent (1/3)x dollars on the hat.
We also know that Harry spent 1/6 of his money on socks, so he spent (1/6)x dollars on socks.
Finally, we are told that Harry spent $12.00 on a tie.

To find out how much Harry spent in total, we need to add up the amounts he spent on the hat, socks, and tie.

The equation can be set up as:
(1/3)x + (1/6)x + $12.00 = Total amount spent

Now let's solve the equation step by step:
Combining the fractions, we get:
(2/6)x + (1/6)x + $12.00 = Total amount spent

Simplifying the fractions, we get:
(3/6)x + $12.00 = Total amount spent

Combining the numerical values, we get:
(1/2)x + $12.00 = Total amount spent

To find the value of x, we need more information. If we have the total amount spent or if we know the value of x, we can calculate how much Harry spent.