Identify the homonym

the day, month, and year / a sweet fruit with a hard seed


I still don't understand

Check out this meaning of homonym.

Then check the pronunciation of this word.

A month, a day, a year/

A sweet fruit that has a hard seed.
What would a Homonym for that be?

I need a Homonym that is the same for both. please I need help with this. Help!!!!!:(

Its a date! To use it in a sentence-

The date and time that the dates arrive wasn't told to us.

The homonym in this case is "date."

To identify homonyms, we need to look for words that have different meanings but are spelled the same or sound similar. In this case, "date" refers to both a specific day, month, and year, and also a sweet fruit with a hard seed.

To clarify meaning in a conversation or text, it is crucial to consider the context and ask for clarifications if needed.