A pole is braced with a wire from the top of a pole to the ground. The wire is 100 feet long and makes an angle of 40° with the ground. Find the height of the pole.

h/100 = sin 40°

the side of parallelogram 18 inches and 12 inches with an included angle of 50°, find the length of the shorter diagonal?

64ft I believe

To find the height of the pole, we can use trigonometry. Specifically, we can use the sine function.

Let's label the height of the pole as 'h'. We know that the wire forms an angle of 40° with the ground, so we can label that angle as 'θ'.

Using the sine function, we have:

sin(θ) = opposite/hypotenuse

In this case, the opposite side is the height of the pole (h) and the hypotenuse is the length of the wire (100 ft). So, we can rewrite the equation as:

sin(40°) = h/100

To solve for h, we can rearrange the equation:

h = sin(40°) * 100

Using a calculator, we can find the sine of 40°, which is approximately 0.643. Multiplying this by 100 gives us:

h ≈ 0.643 * 100

h ≈ 64.3

Therefore, the height of the pole is approximately 64.3 feet.