Click on the box below to choose the correct sentence pattern for the sentence below.

Are there any more cookies in the jar?

To determine the correct sentence pattern for the sentence "Are there any more cookies in the jar?", we need to analyze its structure.

First, let's break down the sentence:

- "Are" is the helping verb (also known as auxiliary verb) indicating a question form.
- "there" is an adverb used to indicate the existence or presence of something.
- "any more" is a determiner phrase used to describe the quantity or amount of something.
- "cookies" is the subject noun, referring to a type of baked goods.
- "in the jar" is a prepositional phrase, providing additional information about the location of the cookies.

Based on this analysis, the correct sentence pattern for the given sentence is:

Question pattern (Subject + Helping verb + Adverb + Determiner phrase + Subject noun + Prepositional phrase)

Therefore, the correct sentence pattern for "Are there any more cookies in the jar?" is:

Subject + Helping verb + Adverb + Determiner phrase + Subject noun + Prepositional phrase.

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