1. The ___ is the outer, thinnest layer of your skin, which houses sweat pores. (1 point)

fatty layer
2. One of the purposes of sweat glands is to release waste products, such as water and _____. (1 point)
3. Which of the following muscles are voluntary? (1 point)
5. Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system? (1 point)
provide shape and support for the body
protect internal organs
produce vitamin D
produce blood cells
6. Which of the following correctly describes how an impulse moves through a neuron? (1 point)
motor neuron > sensory neuron > interneuron
dendrite > cell body > axon
cell body > dendrite > axon
sensory neuron > interneuron > motor neuron
7. The _____ nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord. (1 point)
10. One job of the _____ system is to secrete hormones for various body functions until signaled to stop by the _______. (1 point)
skeletal; bones
nervous; brain
endocrine; negative-feedback
sensory; brain
11. A human baby develops inside the mother’s _________ for ______ months. (1 point)
; six
pelvis; one
uterus; nine
ovary; eight

1. Epidermis?
2. Salt
3. Skeletal
5. Protect internal Organs
6. cell body > dendrite > axon
7. central
10. sensory;brain
11. Unterus; nine

All are right except:

5. produce Vitamin D
6. dendrite > cell body > axon
10. endocrine; negative-feedback

Indicate your specific subject in the "School Subject" box, so those with expertise in the area will respond to the question. You lucked out.

Oh, okay. Got it. Thanks.

1. a.) epidermis

2. d.) salt
3. b.) skeletal
5. c.) produce vitamin D
6. c.) dendrite > cell body > axon
7. a.) central
10. c.) endocrine; negative-feedback
11. c.) uterus; nine

number 5 its wrong the correct answer is. (C)-produce vitamin d.

number 10 is wrong its endocrine negative feed back

1. The correct answer is epidermis. To determine the outer, thinnest layer of your skin that houses sweat pores, you would need to have knowledge of human anatomy. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin and is responsible for protecting the body from the environment.

2. The correct answer is salt. To understand the purpose of sweat glands in releasing waste products, you would need to know that one of the waste products released through sweating is salt. Sweat glands help regulate body temperature by releasing sweat, which contains water and salt.

3. The correct answer is skeletal. To identify which muscles are voluntary, you would need to know about the different types of muscles in the body. Skeletal muscles are the muscles responsible for voluntary movements, such as moving your arms or legs.

5. The correct answer is produce vitamin D. To determine which function is not associated with the skeletal system, you would need to know the functions of the skeletal system. The skeletal system provides shape and support for the body, protects internal organs, and produces blood cells. However, the production of vitamin D is primarily associated with the skin, not the skeletal system.

6. The correct answer is dendrite > cell body > axon. To understand how an impulse moves through a neuron, you would need to understand the basic structure and function of a neuron. The dendrites receive signals from other neurons, which are then transmitted to the cell body. From the cell body, the impulse travels through the axon to reach the next neuron.

7. The correct answer is central. To identify the part of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord, you would need knowledge of the different divisions of the nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord and is responsible for processing and coordinating information in the body.

10. The correct answer is endocrine; negative-feedback. To determine the system responsible for secreting hormones and how it is regulated, you would need knowledge of the endocrine system and negative feedback mechanisms. The endocrine system secretes hormones that regulate various body functions, and the negative-feedback system signals the endocrine system to stop secreting hormones once a certain level or condition is reached.

11. The correct answer is uterus; nine. To determine where a human baby develops and for how long, you would need knowledge of human reproduction and gestation. A human baby develops inside the mother's uterus, and the average gestation period is approximately nine months.