Marco's goal is to eat only 2,000 calories each day. One day for breakfast he consumed 310 calories, for lunch he consumed 200 more calories than breakfast, and for dinner he consumed 800. Did he make his goal?

I added 310+510=810+800 and got 1,610 not sure if this is done right and if it is he did not make his goal

Marco made his goal because he ate less than 2,000 calories each day which is more healthier, and btw 310+510=820 not 810.

Your numbers are correct. He met his goal because he ate less than 2,000 calories.

Not sure where the 810 or 820 came from BUT: The answer is.......He did not meet his goal because his goal is ONLY 2,000 each day.

Break 310
Lunch 510.....this number is because he consumed 200 MORE calories than breakfast which would be 310+200= 510.
Dinner 800
Total calories consumed is 1620. Although, he did not reach is goal he did not exceed the 2000 calories. Hope this is helpful


i don't really know so i put 36544/65434

Marco made his goal because 310 plus 510 plus 800 is equal to 1620 so he made his goal (and subscribe to pewdiepie)

Sept 16 2019
