How would I graph equations in Microsoft Excel 2003 and the residuals? I want to graph linear, quadratic and exponential equations but I don't know how.

I don't know how to do these things either, but just in case no one else answers your question with specifics, you should try pressing the F1 key and using either the index or the search feature to find out how. Microsoft has an extensive help file, on your computer and online.

Frankly, I have never done one of these graphs on Excel SO I went to the help assistant of Excel on my computer, typed in graphing, and it brought up a long list of possibilities. I clicked on one and it gave me a sell spiel for some product. I clicked on scatter graphs and up came the instructions for that graph type. The instructions are generic. Go to your excel program, open it, and click on insert, then click on chart, then choose from the list of charts the program can provide. The Chart Wizard walks you through the process. I recommend you go through the process and print the instructions. Also, I think you must have the data you wish to plot already in cells of Excel because the program asks which cells you wish to use to form the graph. I hope this helps.

Okay, thank you.

To graph equations in Microsoft Excel 2003, you can use the charting features available. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to graph linear, quadratic, and exponential equations, as well as the residuals:

1. Enter your data: For each equation, you need to create a set of x-values and corresponding y-values. These values will be used to plot the points and visualize the equation.

2. Select the data: Highlight the x-values and y-values that correspond to your equation. Include both sets of data in separate columns.

3. Insert the chart: Go to the "Insert" tab in the toolbar and click on the "Chart" button. Select the chart type you want to use (scatter, line, or column) depending on the equation type.

4. Customize the chart: Excel will generate a basic chart based on your data. You can edit and customize the chart appearance by right-clicking on it and selecting "Format Chart Area." Use this menu to adjust chart elements, styles, axis labels, titles, etc.

5. Add the equation: To plot linear, quadratic, or exponential equations, you need to first determine the equation of the line, parabola, or exponential function. Once you have the equation, you can manually compute the y-values for a range of x-values or use Excel's formula bar to create a formula that links cell references to your equation. Add this data to your existing chart by selecting the chart, right-clicking, and choosing "Select Data." Then click on "Add" to include the new data series.

6. Plot residuals: Residuals represent the difference between the observed y-values and the predicted (or calculated) y-values based on your equation. To obtain residuals, subtract the predicted y-values from the observed y-values. Add another column to your worksheet to calculate these differences. Select this new column and the x-values column, and insert another scatter plot on the chart.

7. Format the residuals plot: Right-click on the new scatter plot and choose "Change Series Chart Type." Select "Line" or "Column" chart type, depending on your preference. Customize the appearance as desired.

By following these steps, you should be able to graph linear, quadratic, and exponential equations in Microsoft Excel 2003, as well as visualize the residuals.