I am still having a few problems with capitalizations. I the sentence below should I capitalized riding lawn equipment, commercial mowing equipment and golf products. Please include a site where I can review capitalizations.

I have worked on successful project with John Deere in their Commercial Consumer Equipment Division rewriting manuals for their riding lawn equipment, commercial mowing equipment, and golf products.

No because they are a list of general items not specific things

Thank you! That helps.




In the sentence you provided, you need to capitalize "Riding Lawn Equipment" and "Commercial Mowing Equipment" since they seem to be proper nouns or specific product names. However, "golf products" doesn't need to be capitalized unless it is a specific brand name or a proper noun.

For reviewing capitalization rules, I recommend referring to reputable style guides or grammar websites. Here are a few popular resources:

1. The Chicago Manual of Style (www.chicagomanualofstyle.org): This is a widely-used style guide that provides comprehensive guidelines on capitalization, among other grammar and writing rules.
2. The Associated Press Stylebook (www.apstylebook.com): This style guide is commonly used by journalists and offers specific rules and guidelines on capitalization, abbreviations, and more.
3. Grammarly (www.grammarly.com): An online grammar checker tool that not only corrects capitalization mistakes but also provides explanations and style suggestions to help improve your writing.

By referring to these resources, you can find detailed information on capitalization and address any other grammar-related concerns you might have.