The ______ system uses all of your body’s senses to help maintain homeostasis.

Is the answer "control"? Or is it "endocrine"?

This isn't math... probably the science people won't look at it. This looks like biology to me.

ohmygosh i am so sorry

The correct answer is the "nervous" system. The nervous system is responsible for receiving and processing information from the body's senses, such as touch, hearing, sight, taste, and smell. It then uses this information to coordinate and regulate various bodily functions to maintain homeostasis.

To arrive at this answer, it helps to understand what homeostasis means. Homeostasis refers to the body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes. This includes regulating body temperature, pH levels, blood pressure, and many other bodily functions.

By considering the options provided, "control" and "endocrine," we can eliminate "endocrine" as the answer. While the endocrine system does contribute to maintaining homeostasis through hormone regulation, it primarily relies on chemical messengers and glands rather than the body's senses.

On the other hand, the nervous system is directly involved in receiving sensory information and integrating it with other body systems to produce appropriate responses. It plays a crucial role in monitoring and controlling various bodily functions, making it the correct answer to the question.