Art to inspire hope is called A.spiritual art.

B.watercolor art.
C.celebration art.
D.western art.
I can't decide between A and C...and I can't find it in the book anywhere. Help


i got ya

I'd say A.

ok...thank you

To determine the correct answer between "A. spiritual art" and "C. celebration art" as the term for art that inspires hope, you can try using the process of elimination and logical reasoning.

Starting with option A, "spiritual art," think about whether this term accurately describes art that inspires hope. Spiritual art is typically associated with expressing religious or transcendental themes. While spiritual art can certainly evoke various emotions including hope, it may not explicitly focus on inspiring hope in a general sense.

Next, consider option C, "celebration art." Celebration art often represents joyous or positive occasions, events, or themes, which can include celebrating achievements, cultural traditions, or significant moments. This type of art is more likely to directly evoke a sense of hope and optimism.

Given this analysis, option C, "celebration art," is the more suitable choice for art that inspires hope. However, if you are unable to find a definitive answer in your book or any other reliable source, it is also worth considering the context or specific criteria of your question to make an informed decision.