I should circle the most appropriate subject:

1) Maxime/elsa est née à paris

2) mon frere/ma sœur. S'est engagé dans la lutte contre le sida

3) mes parents/ mes cousines. Se sont installées en gualdeloupe

4) ils/elles sont partis au concert

Someone will check your answers.

Okay ) 1- maxime

2- ma soeur
3- Mes cousines
4- ils

1. capital for Paris

2. the passé composé with être has the past participle agree in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) with the subject. You do NOT see engagée; therrefore the subject must be masculine singular - mon frère. Now look at the past participle of #1, which IS feminine.

The rest are fine.


To circle the most appropriate subject in each sentence, you need to identify the correct pronoun that matches the subject of the sentence. Here are the suggested answers:

1) Maxime/elsa est née à Paris.
In this sentence, the correct subject is "Maxime" or "Elsa." Therefore, you should circle Maxime/elsa.

2) Mon frère/ma sœur s'est engagé(e) dans la lutte contre le sida.
Here, the subject is either "mon frère" (my brother) or "ma sœur" (my sister). Depending on the gender of your sibling, you should circle either mon frère or ma sœur accordingly.

3) Mes parents/mes cousines se sont installé(e)s en Guadeloupe.
Here, the subject can be either "mes parents" (my parents) or "mes cousines" (my cousins). Again, you should circle the subject that fits the sentence.

4) Ils/elles sont partis au concert.
In this case, the subject can either be "ils" (masculine) or "elles" (feminine). Choose the correct pronoun that matches the subject, and circle it accordingly.