If i earned $20 in January,$5 in February and $20 in March!

What is the mean (average) amount of money earned for these 3 months?

what is the answer and can you explain the question to me please

Mean is 15$


To find the mean (average) amount of money earned for these 3 months, you need to add up the amounts earned in each month and then divide the sum by the number of months.

Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Add up the amounts earned in each month.
$20 (January) + $5 (February) + $20 (March) = $45

Step 2: Divide the sum by the number of months.
$45 / 3 = $15

So, the mean (average) amount of money earned for these 3 months is $15.

To find the average or mean, you add up the values and then divide by the total number of values. In this case, you added up the amounts earned in January, February, and March, which gave you a total of $45. Then, since you had 3 months, you divided that total by 3 to get $15, which is the average amount earned per month.