What is the simplified form of square root 48n^9?

I think the answer is: 3n square root 4n^8.

Thank You

simplifying radicals quick check answers-

1.) 4n^4 *square root of 3n
2.) 15c^2*square root of 3
3.) square root of 6 /5y
4.) 20* square root of 5
5.) 5x+x*square root 17
6.) 4*square root of 6 /3


Lesson 1: Simplifying Radicals
Algebra 1 B Unit 5: Radical Expressions and Data Analysis

1.2sqrt35 (D)
2.4n^4sqrt3n (B)


= √16 *√3*√n^8 *√n
= 4n^4 √(3n)

Forpis is correct

that is definitely not true for me, cuz mine starts with D.

What is the simplified form of the square root of 140?
which is 2 *Square root sign* 35

forpis is very correct but here are the letters because its easier


@Forpis, thanks dude, or girl. :) 100% right

48 is 16 x 3

Take the square root of 16 =4

4 square root of 3

Now look at n^9

that can be written as n times n^8

n^4 comes out and leaves n under the square root sign.

your answer should be

4n^4 square root of (3n)

One way to get an better understanding of this concept is to think of square root as... "For every two things that are identical under the square root one comes out.

YOLO is right for the lesson 1 simplifying radicals cause I got a 100%

YOLO,is correct! thank you <3