simplify using the laws of exponents

30. (14y)4

I don't see your exponent.

Is it (14y)^4 ?

yes it is and thank you

You distribute the power to each part.


Most teachers would let you leave the answer like this. They wouldn't want you to work out 14^4. Maybe your teacher does. If so.. 14*14*14*14

To simplify the expression (14y)^4 using the laws of exponents, we will apply the power rule for exponents. The power rule states that when you have a power raised to another power, you multiply the exponents together.

In this case, we have (14y)^4. To simplify, we will multiply the exponent 4 to both the base 14 and the exponent y.

For the base 14, we have 14^4. To simplify this, we multiply 14 by itself four times:

14^4 = 14 * 14 * 14 * 14 = 38416

For the exponent y, we have y^4. Since the exponent is already 4, we don't need to do any additional calculations for the variable y.

Combining these results, we have:

(14y)^4 = 38416y^4

Therefore, the simplified expression is 38416y^4.