cindy makes 1000 a month plus some money by commission. she gets 9% of everything she sells. if cindy sold 2000 worth of items this month what is her salary for the month

$1000 + .09(2000)

Do you multiply 2000 by .09 first then at 1000 to that?

To calculate Cindy's salary for the month, we need to add her fixed monthly income of $1000 to the commission she earned from selling items.

Step 1: Calculate the commission earned:
Commission = 9% of the total sales
Commission = (9/100) * $2000
Commission = $180

Step 2: Calculate the total salary:
Total Salary = Fixed Monthly Income + Commission
Total Salary = $1000 + $180
Total Salary = $1180

Therefore, Cindy's salary for the month is $1180.