When I first posted this question. I din't explain it correctly and didn't find the answer I received funny. But my question is When a sentence contain a list of three or more phrases, each item should be separated with a comma. The questions is do I capitalize items such as Basic Web Design Screen, Graphic Design, Basic Web Scripting and Web Mangement.

OK, you're referring to a series ...

See Comma Use #1: http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/commas.htm Yes, those items need to be separated by commas, including the one just before the conjunction.

For lunch, she had soup, salad, and iced tea.
Last year at camp, he rode horses, played water polo, and went bicycling.

Make sense?

Re capitalization ... it all depends on what those things are. If those are names of courses, then yes, you use capital letters. If you can give me some specific sentences as examples, I can help you better.

To determine whether to capitalize items in a list, such as "Basic Web Design Screen," "Graphic Design," "Basic Web Scripting," and "Web Management," you need to consider the specific style or formatting guidelines you are following.

In general, when capitalizing items in a list, the first word is usually capitalized, as well as any proper nouns or specific names. However, if you are using sentence-style capitalization for your list, only the first word should be capitalized (unless there are proper nouns).

Here are a few steps to determine the capitalization approach for your specific use case:

1. Check the style guide: Many style guides, such as the APA or MLA style guides, provide instructions on how to format lists and the capitalization of items. Make sure to consult the relevant style guide for your specific writing context.

2. Follow sentence-style capitalization: If you are not following a specific style guide or do not have any guidelines to reference, you can adopt a sentence-style capitalization approach. In this case, you would capitalize only the first word of each item in the list ("Basic web design screen," "Graphic design," "Basic web scripting," "Web management").

3. Consider the context: If the items in your list include proper nouns or specific names that would typically be capitalized, you should capitalize them accordingly. For example, if "Basic Web Design Screen" or "Web Management" refers to a specific software or system, you may choose to capitalize those words.

Remember, consistency is key. Regardless of the capitalization style you choose, make sure to apply it consistently throughout your list to maintain clarity and readability.

It's always a good idea to double-check any applicable guidelines or consult your instructor or editor for specific requirements.