how do i find input and output for:

input output
_______ 10
16 11
22 14
50 28
8 _________
30 18

To find the relationship between the input and output values, look for any patterns or rules in the given data.

In this case, let's examine the differences between the input and output values.

For the first example:
Input: 16
Output: 11
Difference: 16 - 11 = 5

For the second example:
Input: 22
Output: 14
Difference: 22 - 14 = 8

For the third example:
Input: 50
Output: 28
Difference: 50 - 28 = 22

For the fourth example:
Input: 8
Output: 30
Difference: 8 - 30 = -22

Based on the differences between the input and output values, it appears that there is a pattern of subtracting from the input value to get the output value. Additionally, the differences themselves seem to follow a pattern:

5, 8, 22, -22

The next step is to apply this pattern to the missing values.

For the fifth example:
Input: ?
Output: 18

To find the missing input value, subtract the given output value (18) from the previous difference (-22):
Missing Input: -22 - 18 = -40

For the sixth example:
Input: 30
Output: ?

To find the missing output value, subtract the given input value (30) from the previous difference (22):
Missing Output: 30 - 22 = 8

Now we can fill in the missing values:

input output
_______ 10
16 11
22 14
50 28
8 -40
30 18

The missing input and output values are -40 and 8, respectively.