A number increased by 2/5 of it becomes 210. what is the number?

(1 2/5)x = 210

x = 210 / (7/5)

x = 210 * (5/7)

X = 150

To find the number, let's break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Set up the equation
Let's denote the number as "x." We know that when we add 2/5 of x to the original number x, it becomes 210. So, the equation can be written as:

x + (2/5)x = 210

Step 2: Simplify the equation
To simplify the equation, we need to combine the like terms on the left side by finding a common denominator:

(5/5)x + (2/5)x = 210
(7/5)x = 210

Step 3: Solve for x
To isolate x, we can multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 7/5 (which is 5/7). This cancels out the coefficient on the left side, leaving only x:

x = 210 * (5/7)
x = 150

Therefore, the number is 150.

Your answer is. Very good ☺️