melinda charges $4 per hour for babysitting. Mrs Garden does not want to spend more than $25 for babysitting. what is the maximum number of hours that she can have melinda babysit.

the answer is $24. solve the inequality


x<6.25 hours
so,you are right 6 hours for $24

Wronge! ,,!,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To solve this problem, we'll set up an inequality to represent the situation.

Let's say the maximum number of hours Mrs. Garden can have Melinda babysit is represented by 'x'.

According to the problem, Melinda charges $4 per hour for babysitting, and Mrs. Garden wants to spend no more than $25.

So, we can set up the following inequality:

4x ≤ 25

To solve for 'x', we need to isolate it. To do that, we'll divide both sides of the inequality by 4:

4x/4 ≤ 25/4.

This simplifies to:

x ≤ 25/4.

To find the maximum number of hours, we need to convert the decimal to a whole number. In this case, we want to find the whole number of hours that Mrs. Garden can have Melinda babysit.

To do that, we can divide 25 by 4:

25 ÷ 4 = 6 remainder 1

Since the quotient is 6 and there is a remainder of 1, the maximum whole number of hours Mrs. Garden can have Melinda babysit is 6 hours.

Hence, the maximum number of hours that Mrs. Garden can have Melinda babysit is 6.

$24 is not the answer to the question.

4n < 25

U all are terrible. I'm a uneducated professer.

i like oikawa

-_- I will stare at u foever.