Information on Patrick Henry his role in revolution,

Information on George Washington his role in revolution

Information on John Adams his role in revolution

Website that is not Wikipedia.

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Read only the articles from and and the other non-Wikipedia sites.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.43287494,d.aWM&fp=cb8d1a9726c4b93c&biw=1440&bih=703
Read only the articles from and and the other non-Wikipedia sites.

To find information on historical figures and their roles in the American Revolution without using Wikipedia, you can try several reliable sources such as online databases, history websites, and books. Here's how you can gather information on Patrick Henry, George Washington, and John Adams, along with a trustworthy website recommendation:

1. Patrick Henry:

- Start by searching for reputable history websites or educational databases. Examples include Britannica,, or Library of Congress.
- Use search terms like "Patrick Henry American Revolution" or "role of Patrick Henry during the Revolutionary War."
- Read through the search results and select sources that provide detailed information and cite credible historical references.
- Look for specific events or speeches related to Patrick Henry, such as the Virginia Resolves or his famous quote "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
- Take notes on his contributions to the Revolution, his involvement in politics, or any other significant facts that help understand his role.

2. George Washington:

- Begin your search by accessing reputable websites and databases, as mentioned above.
- Use search terms like "George Washington Revolutionary War" or "George Washington role in the American Revolution."
- Explore sources that provide comprehensive coverage of his military leadership, such as his command of the Continental Army, the battles he fought, and his strategy in the war.
- Consider his political contributions, including his role in the Constitutional Convention or as the first President of the United States.
- Look for information about his famous Crossing of the Delaware or the Siege of Yorktown, which led to the decisive victory for the Colonists.

3. John Adams:

- Utilize the same approach mentioned earlier, searching for trusted history websites or databases.
- Use search terms like "John Adams American Revolution" or "John Adams role in American independence."
- Focus on sources that highlight his contributions as a Founding Father, his diplomatic efforts, and his role in drafting important documents like the Declaration of Independence.
- Look for information about his political career, such as his service as a diplomat in Europe during the Revolution or his role in shaping the United States' early government.
- Consider specific events like his defense of British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre during his tenure as a lawyer.

Reliable website: ( provides a wide range of information on various historical topics, including the American Revolution. It offers articles, videos, and primary sources that can help you learn more about Patrick Henry, George Washington, and John Adams, as well as their roles in the American Revolution.