The following are possible supporting arguments for my research paper on the success of the women's rights movement. Can someone make sure it looks okay bc i also have to do an outline for it.

-women's suffrage movement(won the right to vote)

-working conditions for women were improved such as pay and may laws were passed making sure they were not being discriminated(Women's Bureau of Dept. Labor)

-women are able to decided if and when they become mothers with birth control pills

-divorce became mutual...


Those look good. You may also check this site about Title IX.

(Broken Link Removed)

It seems like you have a good start on your supporting arguments for your research paper on the success of the women's rights movement. Here's a suggestion for organizing these points into an outline:

I. Introduction
A. Explanation of the women's rights movement
B. Importance of examining its success

II. Women's suffrage movement
A. Overview of the movement
B. Achievements and impact

III. Improvements in working conditions
A. Legislation to protect women from discrimination
B. Introduction of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor

IV. Reproductive rights
A. Introduction of birth control pills
B. Empowerment and control over reproductive choices

V. Legal changes in divorce
A. Evolution from fault-based divorce to mutual consent
B. Impact on women's autonomy and freedom

VI. Conclusion
A. Recap of the success of the women's rights movement
B. Final thoughts on its ongoing significance

Make sure to expand on each point with specific examples, evidence, and analysis. This outline will serve as a helpful guide to keep your research paper well-structured and organized.

Sure! Here is a revised and organized outline for your research paper on the success of the women's rights movement:

I. Introduction
A. Hook: Briefly introduce the topic of the women's rights movement and its importance.
B. Thesis statement: The women's rights movement has achieved significant success, as seen through the examples of women's suffrage, improvements in working conditions, access to birth control, and changes in divorce laws.

II. Women's Suffrage Movement
A. Explanation of the women's suffrage movement.
B. Supporting argument: The women's suffrage movement successfully fought for and won the right to vote.
C. Provide examples of key figures and events within the suffrage movement.

III. Improvements in Working Conditions
A. Explanation of the challenges faced by women in the workforce.
B. Supporting argument: The women's rights movement helped improve working conditions, including fair pay and protection against discrimination.
C. Highlight the role of organizations like the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor in bringing about change.

IV. Access to Birth Control
A. Discuss the historically limited control women had over their reproductive rights.
B. Supporting argument: The women's rights movement played a crucial role in granting women the right to decide if and when they become mothers through the introduction of birth control pills.
C. Explain the impact of birth control availability on women's lives and societal attitudes towards reproductive choices.

V. Changes in Divorce Laws
A. Explain the historically unequal treatment of women in divorce proceedings.
B. Supporting argument: The women's rights movement contributed to the push for mutual divorce laws, allowing women to have agency in ending marriages.
C. Discuss the consequences and benefits of these changes for women's independence and autonomy.

VI. Conclusion
A. Recap the main supporting arguments for the success of the women's rights movement.
B. Emphasize the overall impact of the movement on women's rights and societal changes.
C. Closing statement: The success of the women's rights movement has paved the way for greater gender equality and empowered women to shape their own lives.

Remember, the outline should serve as a guide to structure your paper and ensure a logical flow of ideas. You can further develop each section by conducting research and providing specific evidence to support your arguments. Good luck with your research paper!