the olympic record for the marathon is 2.00 h 9.00 min 210 s. if the average speed of a runner achieving this record is 5.436 m/s, what is the marathon distance

To find the marathon distance, we first need to convert the time given into seconds.

1 hour = 60 minutes = 60 seconds
So, 2.00 hours = 2.00 * 60 * 60 = 7200 seconds

1 minute = 60 seconds
So, 9.00 minutes = 9.00 * 60 = 540 seconds

Now, let's add up the seconds:
7200 seconds + 540 seconds + 210 seconds = 7950 seconds

Then, we can calculate the marathon distance using the average speed formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = 5.436 m/s × 7950 s = 43103.86 meters

Therefore, the marathon distance is approximately 43,103.86 meters.

D = rate x time

D = 5.436 m/s x time in seconds

You have to change 9 minutes to seconds and since there are 60 sec in each minute, you have 540 sec.

210 s + 540 s + now change 2 hours to seconds.

that will give you the time you need for the equation.