Positive square root of 7+root 48 is ????

√7 + √48

= √7 + 4√3

use your calculator if you need decimals

To find the positive square root of the expression √7 + √48, we can simplify the expression first.

Step 1: Simplify the terms inside the square roots.
√7 is already in its simplest form, but √48 can be simplified further.

Step 2: Simplify √48.
48 can be expressed as a product of a perfect square and a number that is not a perfect square.
48 = 16 × 3

We can take the square root of 16, which is 4, and leave the square root of 3 inside the radical.
So, √48 = √16 × √3 = 4√3

Step 3: Substitute the simplified values back into the expression.
√7 + √48 becomes √7 + 4√3

There are no like terms to combine, so we keep the expression as it is.

Step 4: Determine the value of the expression.
Unlike adding or subtracting regular numbers, combining square roots is not as straightforward. We need further information to determine a numeric value.

If you need an approximate value, you can use a calculator to get the decimal value. However, if you're looking for the simplified radical form, then the expression √7 + 4√3 is already in its simplest form.

Therefore, the positive square root of the expression √7 + √48 is √7 + 4√3.